Глава 7: Макиавеллевский микроб

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Глава 7: Макиавеллевский микроб

Berton, Pierre. Cats I Have Known and Loved. Doubleday Canada, 2002.

Dulbecco, Renato. Francis Peyton Rous // Biographical Memoirs. Vol. 48. – National Academies Press, 1976.

McCarty, Maclyn. T e Transforming Principle. W. W. Norton, 1986.

Richardson, Bill. Scorned and Beloved: Dead of Winter Meetings with Canadian Eccentrics. Knopf Canada, 1997.

Villarreal, Luis. Can Viruses Make Us Human? // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 148 (September 2004): 296–323.

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